Earlier this power used to be provided by conventional power sources like switches. But now we can use the Poe Injector technology to power our systems and devices. This includes using the Ethernet cables as power sources themselves by the help of Poe equipped switches. These switches are present in the Ethernet cables and then plugged in the various electronic devices. The power is transferred through the Ethernet cables and passed onto the device through the switches.
There is a simple mechanism to add additional power transferring devices, called POE injectors to older Ethernet cables and then the functionality of Ethernet cables is increased many times without any significant costs. Such POE injectors can be used for providing power to various keypads such as Network Keypad, or Access Control keypad.
There are numerous benefits of using Power over Ethernet technology like saved time, low installation cost, power backup to various devices without depending on local power, no data losses and central operation of power to devices.
Poe injector can also be used in outdoor keypad which has many benefits like receiving power directly from anywhere in network, access and controlling any part of network and requiring very low wattage; thus not damaging the cables at all.
Poe injector technology has a very wide envelope of scope in the future as it is very cheap and easy to handle as compared to presently existing power transferring technologies.